You know you're an aging radio bum when.....

-You were first hired by a GM who actually worked in radio before becoming GM.

-You excitedly turn the radio up at the sound of "dead air" on the competitor's station.

-Sales guys wore Old Spice to cover the smell of liquor.

-Engineers could actually fix things without sending them back to the manufacturer.

-You worked for only one station, and you could name the guy who owned it.

-Radio stations used to have enough on-air talent to field a softball team every summer.

-You used to smoke in a radio station and nobody cared. Or, you had to clean the damned board and turn-tables of ashes before you could work.

-You know the difference between good reel-to-reel tape and cheap reel-to-reel tape.

-Religious radio stations were locally owned, run by an old Protestant minister and his wife, never had more than 20 listeners at any given time, and still made money.

-You have a white grease pencil, a razor blade, and a spool of 3M splicing tape in your desk drawer -- just in case.

-You can still see scars on your finger when you got cut using that razor blade and cleaned out the cut with head-cleaning alcohol and an extra long cotton swab on a wooden stick.

-You can post a record, run down the hall, go to the bathroom, and be back in 2:50 for the segue.

-You only did "make-goods" if the client complained. Otherwise, who cares?

-Sixty percent of your wardrobe has a station logo on it.

-You still refer to CDs as "records".

-Your family thinks you're successful, but you know better.

-You answer your home phone with the station call letters.

-You knew how to change the ribbon on the teletype machine, but you hated to do it because it was very messy.

-You know at least two people in sales who take credit for you keeping your job.

-You still have dreams of the second hand moving toward its zenith and not being able to find your script, the studio door, and the mike switch.

-You've even told a listener "Yeah. I'll get that right on for you."

-You have a couple of old transistor radios around the house with corroded batteries inside them.

-You remember when record promotion men brought a new release to the station - and you programmed it on the same day.

-You wish you could have been on "Name! That Tune" because you would have won a million bucks.

-You even REMEMBER "Name That Tune".

-You were a half an hour late for an appearance and blamed it on the directions you received from the sales person.

-You've run a phone contest and nobody called, so you made up a name and gave the tickets to your cousin.

-You remember when people actually thought radio was important

This came from old friend Edward Brown. Ed was a WNEW newsman for years.

Tap my old Zenith to return to Radio Days..